Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Love's Forbidden Flower

Here is one of the most amazing Author's we know and want to spotlight her and her amazing books so please check out the links below and send her some love!! ~ML~ ~DJ~

~DJ'S~ Review:
I love love love this book!!!!! Why do I love this book ok ill tell you why. First it's not like anyone I have read before. The love between a brother (Donovan) and sister(Lily).That alone took guts to write about. Second you can feel Lily's struggle as she try's to get Donovan to confess his feelings for her (just so she knows he has them to). Third when Lily meets Christopher (my British boyfriend :)) things seem to be going great. Donovan is in college and Lily's is still in high school. Christopher is now her boyfriend but her love for both men is a struggle for her. When Christopher goes back to Landon and she goes off to college and meets Julian will her heart finally heal? Will she find happiness? Will things get any better for her??? I would tell you but then you wouldn't have to read this book if I did :) this is a must must read :)

1 comment:

  1. Just a heads up everyone the Kindle price is 2.99 right now what a great price! so please go over and snatch up one of these amazing copies!
    Much love
